Zebra Data Sciences is pleased to announce a collaboration (GeoProspectTM) with Cambridge Geoconsultants, with their first product a Prospectivity Report on Block DI-16 in Croatia.
In early 2019, the Croatian Hydrocarbon Agency opened the Third Licensing Round, which included 4 blocks (DI-13, DI-14, DI-15 and DI-16) in the External Dinarides region to promote exploration in southern onshore Croatia. While the offshore area is populated with both modern 2D and 3D seismic data, and more than a dozen wells, the onshore blocks demonstrate a common sparsity of any seismic data or wells, with only some gravity data.
To overcome this lack of data, and to assess the prospectivity of block DI-16 specifically, GeoProspect prepared this Prospectivity Report using a workflow that included Intelligent Geological Target Identification (IGTI) which works well in areas of sparse geophysical data. Input to IGTI were analyses of tectonic seismicity, fault lineaments and gravity data.
In all, a number of separate basins were identified in DI-16 which, according to IGTI analysis results, at least one bears the structural and geophysical signatures of a potential reservoir of equal to the Albanian systems. The report forms an essential and integral part of an exploration workflow as it gives the reader a complete view of the block and puts forth the findings of various modelling workflows as important guidelines for future exploration related decisions.
For more information please contact; geoprospect@zebradata.com