Zebra Data Sciences Ltd have made an agreement with Autoriade Nacional do Petróleo Minerais de Timor-Leste (ANPM) to provide Virtual Data Room, Promotion Services and generate an Onshore Prospectivity Report for the current 2nd Licensing Round which was launched on 3rd October 2019 by His Excellency Mr. Taur Matan Ruak.
Zebra Data’s industry recognised EzDataRoom will host proprietary open 2D and 3D data offshore seismic data, 80 offshore and 20 onshore wells and nearly 15,000kms of airborne gravity and nearly 45,000kms of airborne magnetic-radiometric data covering the onshore area. There will be other technical and commercial information hosted in addition. The EzDataRoom access is expected to be open in February. Access to the EzDataRoom Web is free for pre-qualified bidders and there will be access to EzDataRoom Remote (interpretative facility) with prices on application.
There will be a GeoReality model for each block offered that will provide 3D immersive capability including seismic, well bores, horizons and surface maps.
GeoProspect®, a joint venture between Zebra Data Science and Cambridge Geoconsultants, will be producing a Prospectivity Report of the onshore areas. This will be using the Intelligent Geological Target Identification technique including datasets and controlled by highly qualified experienced geoscientists to identify areas of potential prospectivity. With its strength lying in pattern recognition, the power of IGTI rests on interdisciplinary workflows. This report will be ready in early April, in good time for use in assessing the acreage and submitting bids which are closing on 9 October 2020.
Details of the License Round will be regularly updated on Zebra Data’s HydroCarbonAssets website http://hydrocarbonassets.com/ in addition to ANPM http://licensinground.anpm.tl/
For details on the EzDataRoom access and Onshore Prospectivity Report please contact TL2LR@zebradata.com